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A catwalk is a walkway, platform, or space used by models to display clothing and accessories during a fashion show. Literally, the walking of the models on the stage or platform is called a catwalk Read more…

Button History

The History of the Button In our fast-paced modern lives, where trends come and go overnight, we can often take the most basic things for granted. We’re big fans of the little details here and Read more…

Fashion styles in the 19th century

The 19th century was a period of tremendous change and rapid social and cultural progress, where society and culture are constantly changing with the passage of time. 19th-century fashion strongly reflected the technology, art, politics, Read more…

Wedding Dress Styles

Illusion Clothes that have a very little cloche skirt and in the form of a loop in the shoulder area. The collar of the dress is usually open up to the navel and abdomen, and Read more…


Saho Style is an active group in two sections of virtual education, clothing design and clothing production and sales. This institution has been operating physically since 2016 with the cooperation of “Eyvan Khane Memar” and has entered the clothing design department since 2018. From August 2020, this institution started its web based activity under the name of Saho Style. At present, our education department cooperates with more than 20 prominent professors in the field of clothing design in the country and has trained more than 2000 students.
